Etere Showcases New MAM Capabilities at IBC 2024

In addition to new Premiere Pro integration capabilities, Etere Media Asset Management (MAM) also facilitates automatic metadata tagging, including Face Recognition, Speech-to-Text and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Etere MAM Enhances Media Library Search with AI and Facial Recognition technology that allows automatic metadata indexing. For example, Etere MAM supports facial recognition, enabling users to analyse individual scenes inside the media library to produce a list of matches based on facial recognition.

This feature allows users to search effectively inside an extensive media library and produce a list of matches in seconds, for example, filtering scenes that feature specific actor(s). Furthermore, OCR recognises text within a digital image. It is commonly used to identify text in scanned documents and photos. With OCR technology integration, Etere users can convert a physical paper document or an image into an accessible electronic version with text.