The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore in collaboration with Farmindustria, the Antenna of Confindustria in Singapore, and the Embassy of Italy in Singapore, has organized the close-door meeting: Italy Singapore on Healthcare Collaboration at the presence of Dr Huei-Xin Lou, Advisor to Chief Pharmacist’s Office, Ministry of Health (Singapore).
The meeting was an opportunity to present the Italian Pharmaceutical Industry, explore potential collaboration between Italy and Singapore in the pharma industry, and learn more about the regulations in Singapore and Southeast Asia for pharma production and distribution.
Thank you to H.E. Dante Brandi, Ambassador of Italy to Singapore, Mr. Pierluigi Petrone, Vice President of Farmindustria, Luongo Maurizio CEO of Menarini APAC, John A. Graham CEO of Zuellig Pharma, Gianpiero De Mestria, Vice President Pharma Division of Petrone Group, Alessandro Zalonis, Partner and Smeralda Mazzei, Associate of Gianni & Origoni, Alberto Martinelli President of Singapore Italia Business Council, Nicola Bianchi Scientific Attache’ Embassy of Italy in Singapore, Ilaria Piccinni Deputy Director ITA - Italian Trade Agency - Singapore