Round Table: The Healthcare system in Singapore and Italy

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore collaborated with Assolombarda and AIOP (Italian Private Hospital Association) to present the Round Table: The Healthcare system in Singapore and Italy. The event took place on Monday 27th February 5.00pm – 7.30pm at Singapore Business Federation, 160 Robinson Road #06.


About AIOP:

Italian Private Hospital Association (AIOP) represents 520 hospitalization and care facilities operating throughout the national territory with about 60,000 beds, of which 52,000 are accredited with the National Health Service, hospitalizing one million patients annually, for a total of 8 million hospital days.


 Institutional Speakers:

  • ICCS President Gionata Bosco
  • H.E. Ambassador of Italy to Singapore Mario Vattani
  • Singapore Business Federation
  • AIOP President Michele Nicchio

 Round Table Guests:

  • Prof Lam Pin Woon, National University of Singapore
  • Dr GOH Wei Jiang, Cofounder & CEO of Craft Health
  • Dr Shravan Verna - Founder and CEO of Speedoc
  • Gaja Garofalo - Vice President AIOP Giovani Nazionale
  • Gabriele Tironi - Senior Adviser CVC Capital Partners