TECH CIRCLE #7 - THE FUTURE OF WORK - Cross-Chamber event

On 21st June 2023, the Cross-chamber event "The Future of Work" took place at The Hive.  

The aim was to discover and discuss trends and transformations in the workplace. Several topics were approched like recruitment, optimal team building, the impact of AI, flexible work arrangements, remote collaboration, virtual teams, learning, work-life balance, and sustainability.

This edition of the Tech Circle-series was hosted by NBAS (Norwegian Business Association Singapore) in partnership with EuroCham, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, CEEC Singapore, Swedish Chamber of Commerce Singapore, DutchCham Singapore, Danish business Association Singapore, Irish Chamber of Commerce Singapore, SwissCham Singapore and SpanishCham Singapore. A warm thanks to the sponsor Careera.

The event was an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, share ideas, and discuss the future of work!